Then Davis set up a little spot on the trampline to relax. Here he is reading, and doing an activity book. :) Yay for playing outside!
The best part of my whole day? Not the free car wash... not even the fact that my son loves to be outside, and asked me to join him on the trampoline.
It was later, when I was sewing my little toocus off to finish some custom orders. My son asked me to come and hang out again, and I said I couldn't becuase I really needed to get these done. He smiled, brought me this...
and said, "Here Mom, now you can have a snack if you want!" and smiled and walked away. :) No, I take that back. Then he gave me a kiss on my cheek and walked away. ;) Man, I've got it good. ;)
What a cute post Karin! Best of all, I learned about Cinnamon Goldfish Graham crackers...Holy Cow! I can't wait to get some of those!!
Your kids are great. I love how you documented the whole day too. ;-D
Love this post. Your kids are both just too adorable. That first picture of Davis just makes me smile. Whoo-hoo for the free car wash!
he is too sweet. you've done something right! Sounds like he loves his momma!
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