Monday, October 26, 2009

Just one more thing...

So I'm pretty sure I was on the radio this morning. Well, not me, exactly, but I think the writer must know me.  It went something like this...

"We all know someone that can never let the conversation go.  It's always, just one more thing... oh, okay, i know you have to run, but let me just tell you this one last story... etc. etc.  Well, that person... is me.  Good thing I have unlimited minutes and voicemail!!"

LMBO. Seriously. I was cracking up. I don't know how to explain her voice inflection, but she was this mid-western mom sounding lady with a perky tone. Only, it starts out like she MUST be talking about her neighbor. Only, no, she admits it, she is that person.  Well foks, I am here to admit it.  I am a yapper. Yakkity yak yak yak.  If you have somewhere to be... don't call me. Want to get around the WHOLE craft show?  You really should plan ahead and come early... or come and see me last, lol. ;)

On the plus side... my glass if pretty much always half full.  So you will always get a smile, and a perky story. And who doesn't love that, right? ;)


Anonymous said...

I love your "spunk"! You are a delight to be around!

Holly said...

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, my friend. As long as you've got things to say, just keep on yappin'.

Vintage Dutch Girl said...

Yakkety yak right back atcha :) Guilty yakker....I could teach Yakking 101 for beginners!