Monday, September 22, 2008
I think I'll have a sale. :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
So I'm pretty sure that Candy Corn is evil....
By the way, when I was taking this picture, Davis was utterly confused. He could not see ANYTHING on the table that I would possibly need to take a picture of!
Oh, and I keep reading all of these blogs (Little Bit Funky for one) that ask me what Fall Decorating I've gotten to. Well...this is it. Evil little Candy Corn that I eat every time I walk into the kitchen! LOL Maybe I'll go buy some little pumpkins.....

So is anyone else needing to dry out? Was there an area in America that DIDN'T get soaked this last week? LOL My lawn went from brown to lush green. Now I need to mow it. I'm not sure if I'm happy with my green lawn or not, lol.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Two posts in one...
Davis is excited, can you tell?
And then there is my sweet girl. She is a little more subdued. :)
They both had a great day, and love their teachers. :) I found it a little odd to be home with no kids, frankly. LOL I have taken care of one of my best friend's kids for the past 5 years, so even when my kiddos went off to school I had a little one around. Well, her two older ones are in school now and need to have daycare closer to there. :( So here I am, with lots of time on my hands. :) I think you'll be seeing some new product in my etsy shop soon...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Had to share...

see more pwn and owned pictures
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Tag, I'm it?
Four place I go over and over:
Field's Fabrics (local fabric store)
My in-law's place
Kids' school
Four people who e-mail me (regularly):
My mother in law
Yahoo Groups (yes, I'm pathetic)
My Hubby (really, he sends me stuff all of the time!)
Four places I would rather be right now: a beautiful sewing room with pretty cabinets
Cedar Point (I like to make my kids happy)
I can't think of any more...I'm pretty happy. :)
Four TV shows/programs that I watch over and over:
You know, there aren't any that I just HAVE to watch anymore. I loved watching the Olympics though, and now I'm lost with nothing to watch.
Four things I have for breakfast:
Well let's see, I'd LOVE to have Crepes every morning, but truthfully....
Toast with Jelly
Granola Bar (when I'm in a hurry)
Toast with Peanut Butter
Four animals I like best:
Anyone else's. :) It's not that I don't like animals, I just don't feel I should own them! Anything that scurries is considered develish here though, lol. I don't like mice, or hamsters, or well, anything that scurries. ;)
Four beaches I’ve been to:
Holland Beach
Grand Haven Beach
Muskegon Beach
LOL...okay those are all the same beach, on Lake Michigan. I've been all over Lake Michigan, all the way up the side of the mitten. Other than that, I've been to Alabama and Florida, but couldn't tell you the name of the beach, lol, I am geographically challenged.
Tag 4 people:
This should be interesting. I'm new to blogging. :)
Can I just pretend I can't count to 4?'d think that that was the end of this post wouldn't you? But my husband is being sensitive, so now I have to edit. LOL Here, I was trying to be so nice and not bother him with such things...and I hurt his feelings. So now here we go...tag, Ross is it.
Ready for a deal????
I am sharing a booth with two lovely ladies, but I'm sorry, this deal doesn't apply to their wonderful wares. :) If you'd like to take a pre-peek at their items are their shops! The Monkey Shop and Lydia Layne have cute stuff for everybody...from baby to Grandma. Come and see us!