My friend Sarah, also known as "The Hippie Chick", makes candles, hand forged jewelry (she forms all of the pieces herself!!) and journals out of reclaimed books. Love her!
In this picture you can see the amazing journals that her hubby creates. He takes books that are damaged (written in, missing pages, etc.) and takes the binding off... inserts blank, recycled paper, and creates the journal with the book top and back.
Overall it was a fun day! There wasn't as much traffic as last year... but still a great day. Sarah and I had a blast. :)
And according to my kids they have the coolest swingset ever! lol
Birthday girl number one (who requested her artwork to be her new age)...
Birthday girl number 2 (who of course had to be like her big sister)...
And the big brother who kind of cheated and requested a six... even though his birthday isn't until November. ;)
And here are the birthday girls with their Grandpa, blowing out the candles on the cake... and the shirts I made them for the party. :) Alexandra's says "2" and Olivia's says "4". I'm thinking come November I'm going to be making one that says "6" for Thomas. ;)
My son looks far too old in this picture. :( I have a feeling one day I'll look at his senior picture and remember this picture. ;)